Monmouth’s New Onset Seizure Center Opens in June!

New onset seizures can be isolated events or the harbinger of future epilepsy.

Decisions about starting medications and restricting driving are complicated, and are best made by neurology sub-specialists (“epileptologists“) after a detailed evaluation that usually includes an electroencephalogram (EEG) and brain magnetic imaging study (MRI).

Monmouth Neuroscience Institute is pleased to announce the opening of the region’s first New Onset Seizure Center in June 2013.

Patients who come to the emergency room with their first seizure can be stabilized and then sent home with instructions to follow-up in New Onset Seizure Center, an integral part our Certified Epilepsy Center within one week.

All patients coming to the center they will undergo an EEG, MRI of the brain and a visit with one of our board certified fellowship-trained epilepsy experts during a single visit.

This avoids hospitalization and hasty decisions about medical management.

Click here to find out more about the center.